
Michael Jackson Come Together

Michael Jackson Come Together. There are puritans who disliked the partnership of legendary Paul McCartney with Michael Jackson, with his bonhomie of strait-jacket songs and erotic dances. But they are a stifling minority. Most of the people, who knew who Michael Jackson was and where he was coming from, stood laced by the visionary classic manner in which Michael Jackson Come Together surfaced.

The lines were written and originally composed by the Beatles. The song had its cadence and variety and this enchanted MJ (as the world will know him forever) very much. Needless to say, his initiation into top-rung music was at a time that Beatles mesmerized even though they had split. He ordered his engineer to recompose Michael Jackson Come Together, inducting punctuations that would withstand his moonwalking and other suggestive moves.

Michael Jackson Come Together is a semblance of class and aura. Michael Jackson injected warmth into the song with his rasping voice and steady movement. Michael Jackson Come Together became an instant hit and a cover page for many of his albums. It was released in the early nineties and became a fad for many of his world tours since then.

Initially though, he had financial trouble bringing it to the notice of the world. Paul McCartney has himself been quite vocal in seeing his song recomposed so nicely. It even induced the video game makers to strategize a video game called Moonwalkers with Michael Jackson Come Together as the backing anthem.

He has gone but his songs and videos will ever be an abiding memory for his countless fans. And among his numerous classics, this song will ever hold a pride of place.

Here come old flat top. He comes grooving so slowly!

It is a herald to all the fans of Michael Jackson. Come together and enjoy this wonderful entertainer.